The Simple Joys of Life - Are you taking them for Granted? (March 10, 2007)
Each day is made up of moments/ incidents - seen and unseen, good or bad - which come together to create the tapestry of our life. Each moment is an opportunity to catch a glimpse of something bigger - Someone. If you look close enough or listen hard enough, you can see the Master's hand all over your life. But most people don't take the time... Rushed through the chaos of life, we often miss the beauty and blessings right in front of our faces...
These simple moments can speak volumes of the Father's love for us, His creativeness and His voice calling to us... "I am here. Now... Let me speak to you and share my heart with you...
These moments don't have to be "spiritual". You don't have to see a burning bush or be in a church ... For God is the Creator of all life... You just have to stop, look, and listen...
Moments you feel were made just for you.
For me these moments could look like:
* Fellowship with friends - good conversation and laughter.
* Having a baby in my arms and making her giggle as I hold her up in the air and make silly faces.
* Being with someone you love... Family... just being with them.
* The fresh clean smell after the rain.
* The first Spring flowers after the long cold winter.
* LAUGHING... a little or until you cry...
* cuddling with my cat.
* Going for a walk and feeling the warm sun kiss your face and the genlte breeze play with your hair.
* The sound of the wind in the trees.
* Watching the sky as the clouds change shape and the rains begin to fall...
* Roaring thunder that seems to shake the earth and illuminating bolts of electricity that light up the sky.
* Finding fuel for 11 cents cheaper than everywhere else.
* Going to pay off a fee and hearing them say it's been taken care of.
* A cool, refreshing breeze on a HOT summer day.
* The fact that we have running water, electrictity, food, shelter, and clothes... not everyone does...
* Good music... passionate piano scores, the strumming of a guitar...
* Cold, juciy watermelon on a hot day.
* The mystery and intrigue of taking the road less traveled... endless possibilities of adventure...
* The way the Sunflowers turn toward the sun.
* Walking through field of wildflowers.
* A rainbow after the rain.
* Waking up to the sound of birds singing.
* A good hug... Hearing someone say "I love you" and knowing they mean it.
* Witnessing someone's face light up when you tell them they are Beautiful or just smile at them.
* Watching the prairie daily come ALIVE in the spring with splashes of COLOR.
* The feel of soft, green grass or wet, squishy sand between your toes.
* The captivating way flames dance and lick up the wood.
* The fragrant smell of my Olive Oil soap after someone takes a shower...
I could go on and on....
Everyone has these moments, and they will probably be different for differnt people, but we all have them. The question is, Are you taking them for granted?
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