So, in church today, I had a random contemplation about ears and the early church.
I was looking at someone in front of me and it struck me how strange and alien ears really look and how creative G-d is. My mind went off on a tangent about ears. lol
I was looking at someone in front of me and it struck me how strange and alien ears really look and how creative G-d is. My mind went off on a tangent about ears. lol
Also, I was looking around and started wondering what the Early Church- soon after Jesus rose from the dead and the disciples preached the gospel- really looked like and why we only have churched people in our services. What are we doing? Why do we go and are we making a difference in the Kingdom of heaven? Are we reaching out to the poor and destitute? the widow and orphan? prostitutes?? Beyond just acts of charity? What did the Early Church look like, sound like, smell like? Did they sit in service and listen to some guy preach or read from the Bible and let the Spirit of G-d speak through the Word of G-d? Was there a lot of heart-felt worship? Did the meetings look the same every week - same format? or did it change depending on the movemnet of the Holy Spirit?
Don't get me wrong. I like my church and pastor, but sometimes I can't help but wonder if there's something more....
After church we went to Patapsco State park- the one with the swing bridge. We thought the bridge looked lame when we realized it was the one in front of our face, but as soon as we started walking on it we could feel the swaying movement. It was SO cool. I thought the gaps in between the boards were going to eat my flip-flops but otherwise I loved being up high over a pretty river and felling the bridge move. :)
After the bridge, and after swinging our legs back and forth on a fun bench, we started on the Cascade Falls Trail. :) I love exploring trails in foresty areas, especially when water is involved.
I REALLY enjoyed climbing all over and around the rocks and falls. The adventurer in me was awkened and I sought to climb every fun rock I could find. We even had fun balancing on fallen trees. What joyful bliss!
I REALLY enjoyed climbing all over and around the rocks and falls. The adventurer in me was awkened and I sought to climb every fun rock I could find. We even had fun balancing on fallen trees. What joyful bliss!
I got to take pictures and even came upon and eventually talking to this guy with a professional camera. He gave me a tip for close-up nature photos. It was cool but I probably should have asked his name. would have been the polite thing to do. I'm not very good at that kind of stuff sometimes. lol
I LOVE EXPLORING and nature. I can sense G-d's presence all around me when I am out in the wilderness. The colors come alive as my eyes take in the beauty all around me and the gentle breeze whispers secrets and kisses my face. The roar of the waterfalls speak of the majesty of my Creator. I cannot get enough as my senses are consumed. I am filled with life and wonder at the Beauty abd majesty of G-d. :)
Definately going to find time to go back and explore more. Any one up for grand adventure??
Hello there Miss Prolific writer? When do we get our next installment?