Tuesday, March 30, 2010

The Princess and the Stinkbug

Once upon a time in the land of rain, a girl happened across a curious little bug. It was gray and slender and somewhat odd looking. It didn't look like quite like the armor-shaped warrior bugs she had come to know as stink bugs who infested buildings like a plague. Yet, something (or someone) deep inside of her told her to beware and proceed with caution.

Well, the girl thought it would be best to kill the creature and not let it stay and breed like wildfire and consume her home. So she did just that and just as she was getting ready to dispose of the unfortunte bug (against her better judgement) she thought she'd take a sniff to determine if she truly had stumbled upon a dreaded stinkbug.

Bad idea. She started choking and could not breathe for some time and felt sick for the rest of the night. The moral of the story... Trust your insticts and listen to that Still Small Voice....
the end.

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