Wednesday, June 1, 2011

In love

I'm in love
From the moment that I saw your face
I'm in love
You never turn away your gaze
I'm in love
Now the reason for the rest of my days is to love you
I will love you.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Will the real church of Jesus Christ please stand up and move out of your comfortable pews/seats; throw safety and self-preservation to the wind, and boldly pursue the heart of G-d, forsaking all other lovers?!

IF Jesus were to return today or even in the next few days, would he find a pure and spotless Bride who is LOVESICK for her Bridegroom? Or would He find only a people who claim His name but do not look much different from the world around them? Would Jesus find a Bride who has made herself ready? Who's heart belongs to Him alone and whose gaze is fixed on Him? Or would He find a people who are more concerned with being entertained, chasing after thing of temporary value, and satisfying the immediate 'needs' of their flesh?

Why do you go to church? No, really?? Is it out of obligation? duty? Do you want to keep up appearances? Show off your new dress? Socialize? I know I've been guilty of all of this.

How about to meet with the G-d of all creation who loves and desires you? To worship Him in the splendor of His holiness? To share His love and conviction with those who need to hear?

And what about WORSHIP? Do you even enjoy it? Does it bore you? "Not that song again!... fine, I'll sing, but my heart isn't in this right now..."?? Do you count down until it's over so you can sit down? Are we just going through the motions? "Make a joyful noise unto the Lord." Is that all it is, a joyful NOISE? Be honest.

What if we really pushed past all the distractions and came with a surrendered heart? What if we didn't care what everyone else thought of us and only what G-d thought? What if we moved out of our seats and everything that makes us feel 'comfortable' and worshipped Jesus with abandon? What if we didn't stand rigid with pride when we felt a nudge to get on our knees? What if we were so moved by the knowledge and presence of a holy G-d, that we got on our faces before Him and truly WORSHIPPED Him, not caring about the time? What would that look like? Dare to dream and dare to make it a reality.

Is your heart moved by the G-d Man Jesus Christ who gave His life that you may live? Is your heart moved by the G-d who created everything in heaven and earth and yet chose YOU and loves and desires YOU?? Is there a deep yearning within you to know and desire Him? Does your soul thirst for Him? Does your body long for Him? Is your heart tender or calloused?

This is what it's all about, friends! To know G-d and be known by Him. To worship Him in spirit and in truth. To obey His commands and follow where He leads.

Every ounce of my being longs for Jesus. "My heart beats violently inside of my chest." It's not just a song. It's not just a nice idea. It can be a reality. Everytime I read Psalms, especially, my heart is set ablaze with praise and desire for G-d. He is my Abba (Father). He alone can satisfy the desires of my heart. Magnify the LORD with me! Let us exalt His name together! For He is great and greatly to be praised!!

"Shout with joy to G-d, all the earth! Sing the glory of His name; make His praise glorious! Say to G-d, 'How awesome are your deeds! So great is your power that your enemies cringe before you. All the earth bows down to you; they sing praise to you, they sing praise to your name.'...
Come and listen, all you who fear G-d; let me tell you what He has done for me. I cried out to Him with my mouth; His praise was on my tongue. If I had cherished sin in my heart, the Lord would not have listened; but G-d has surely listened; and heard my voice in prayer. Praise be to G-d, who has not rejected my prayer or withheld His love from me!" -Psa;m 68:1-4, 16-20

From an old blog post On February 22, 2010; written while I was still running from G-d. He still manged to find me and break through my defenses....

"Jesus is coming back for His Bride (the church- His people called by His name). But that Bride is not prepared. She doesn't have enough oil for her lamp and her dress is soiled. She has been lulled to sleep in apathy. Daughter of Zion, throw off your bed clothes and wipe the sleep from your eyes. Prepare yourself for the wedding to come. Your Bridegroom is coming and you need to be ready.

Jesus, awaken our hearts to the knowledge of you. "Fill us with the knowledge of G-d, with the knowledge of You, with the knowledge of the Holy, Holy." Give us eyes to see you, ears to hear and a heart to understand all that you are speaking to us.

Sound the alarm on your holy hill. Blow a trumpet in Zion that the King of glory may come in. The hour is upon us and it is time to stop running from G-d and into His arms. He is the only safe place. Even so, come Lord Jesus."

Monday, May 30, 2011


I long to be consumed by the majesty and beauty of G-d. I want to "waste my life" pursuing One Thing. "One thing have I desired, that will I seek..." (Psalm 27)

G-d has been awakening my heart once more and setting my heart ablaze with desire for Him. I am finding that everything else is a chasing after the wind. It's all fading away. The only thing that matters, the only thing that remains, in light of eternity is this G-d man Jesus Christ. I long to be fascinated by Him and Him alone.

When I try and pursue 'other lovers' such as tv, long stretches on Facebook, movies that don't glorify G-d, etc.... I am left despondant, aimless, depressed and completely unsatisfied. The only thing that truly satsifies me these days is giving my time to worship and seeking the face of a holy G-d. He alone is worthy of all our praise and devotion.

There is an urgency in my heart that, we as the Body of Christ, need to purify ourselves and return to Jesus with ALL our hearts. No compromise. No temporary pleasures that turn our gaze from the Lover of our soul. He is coming back for a pure and spotless Bride.

I can no longer ignore the conviction of the Holy Spirit; the still small Voice saying "this is the way, walk in it." If it means I have to walk out of a movie, then so be it.

I wasted so much time chasing after my own ways and desires, continually ignoring and saying "no" to that still small voice of G-d, because I was comfortable in my complaceny. My heart became calloused and hard and I got to the point that I could no longer hear G-d speaking. I became apathetic and lukewarm. I nearly lost all sensitivity to the Holy Spirit....
I can NOT go back there, and I will fight for the purity of my heart. I have tasted and seen that the LORD is GOOD! I don't want to be satisfied by anything ordinary.

G-d is great and we do not know Him. I challenge you that it doesn't have to be this way! G-d said that "If you seek Me, you will find Me when you seek Me with your whole heart." Let Jesus be the One Thing you seek today.

"Let the dancers dance. Let the singers sing to You. Let the worshipers advance in Your presence oh G-d.
To play in the water that springs up with life. To dance in the fire the world will ignite. Your banner is love that you wave over us.
And no amount of money can buy the love you give. Cuz you are the measure of our inheritance. The debt has been paid by the blood of the covenant.
Let the blood be broken. Let the wine be poured out." - Andrew Erhenzeller, 'Covenant'